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Read Book Three in the bestselling Beastly Lords series. Let the decadence begin!
Viscount Alder never meant to earn the nickname Lord Vile, yet he fully embraces it after a nasty betrayal—combining bitter resentment with the soothing taste of gin and a fondness for females. One wronged woman seeking revenge shreds his self-centered world, painfully capturing the heart he didn’t know he had.
Lord Michael Alder has always behaved himself, enjoyed the London social Season, and even became engaged in his quiet, unassuming way. Then treachery shatters his gentlemanly character. So be it... if the bon ton thinks him a rogue, he may as well shed the burdensome, boring veneer of decency and decorum.
A vile lord unleashed.
Worshiping him from afar, Ada Kathryn is thrilled to encounter the dash-fire viscount in the darkened garden. Minutes later, her innocence in tatters, she waits for the noble Lord Alder to do the honorable thing. Instead, she watches as the most vile lord in London saunters away.
Two very different reputations at stake.
Drinking and carousing with the lowliest wenches to the highest aristocrats, Alder greets each day with a throbbing head, a sour stomach, and an even sourer disposition. Until a desirable new lady arrives in London, a polished stranger, not a hint of vengeance. If Lord Vile thought he understood betrayal and heartache, he hasn’t seen anything yet...
The Beastly Lords Series
Lord Despair
Lord Anguish
Lord Vile
All books available in Kindle Unlimited
Viscount Micheal Alder has been drowning himself in drink and whoring his way through life. All of this because his parents betrayed him and cost him the woman he wanted. He doesn't care what anyone thinks of him.
Miss Ada Ellis is completely overwhelmed when she at last meets the man she has admired from afar. This could prove disastrous for her.
This is a story about vengeance and just how it can hurt more than just the target of it. Our hero is more like a spoiled little boy than a grown up and our heroine is an intelligent woman with a loving family. She also has a bee in her bonnet about something.
A very entertaining book in a very good series.
I loved it.

While writing historical romance, she firmly believes in crafting happily-ever-after stories for an already challenging world. Born and raised in California, she currently resides in New England with her family—human, feline, and canine.
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