wasn’t supposed to be my happily ever after.
He wasn’t
even on my radar.
He was my
husband’s best friend—forbidden.
But my
husband is dead and I’m alone. I ache for him and I reach for Liam.
One night
with Liam changed everything. Now I have to decide if I truly love him or if
he’s just the consolation prize.
Aarabelle sits in her highchair as I feed her dinner. She’s
growing so fast. Already she’s eating cereal and a little baby food. Soon
she’ll be crawling and I have no one to celebrate with. Her father will never
see these milestones and it breaks me apart.
“You should really lock the door,” Liam huffs as he throws
his coat over the chair.
“But then I’d have to get up to let you in,” I state
matter-of-factly and go back to feeding the baby, trying to put aside my
worries. The fact is…this is reality. I have to deal with it.
“Uh huh. Hey, Pumpkin,” his eyes alight as he crouches down
by Aara. It’s adorable hearing grown men use a baby voice. It gets a little
softer and higher pitched.
The corners of her mouth lift and she throws her arms in the
air when he gets close. My heart sputters seeing how happy she gets seeing him.
Liam kisses her head and she giggles.
“At least someone is happy to see me,” he says playfully.
“I’d be happy if you brought me a present,” I joke.
He laughs and goes into the pocket of his coat. “Just so
happens I did, but since that’s the only way you’ll be nice, I’ll hold on to
this until you’ve earned it.”
Practically leaping out of my chair, I rush over. “What is
it?” I try to peer around his back as he holds the mystery item.
Liam’s lips curl as he sees how much I want this. I don’t
even know what it is. Jeez, I’m an idiot. “Nope. We eat first, then maybe
you’ll get it.”
“Watch, it’s a freaking Pez dispenser or something stupid.”
“Guess you’ll have to be nice to find out.” He shoves the
item into his back pocket and I fight the urge to reach and get it. “How was
We spend the next thirty minutes going over my day and
Jackson’s return. Liam never mentioned that they spoke, but he’s surprised to
hear he’s in Virginia. After we finish the pizza, Liam somehow convinces me we
should watch a movie. I get Aarabelle to bed and come down to find him sprawled
out on the couch.
“By all means, make yourself comfortable.”
Liam pulls his beanie higher on his forehead and his eyes
glimmer with amusement. He sits up and puts the TV on. “I picked the movie.”
“What?” I ask with mock incredulity. “It’s my house. Why do
you get to pick the movie?”
“Ummm, I’m the guest.” He shrugs as if this should be an
obvious answer.
I groan and lean back. “What crappy, shoot-‘em-up movie do I
have to endure?”
“You’ll see. It’s a classic.”
Corinne Michaels is an emotional, witty, sarcastic, and fun
loving mom of two beautiful children. She’s happily married to the man of her
dreams and is a former Navy wife. After spending months away from her husband
while he was deployed, reading and writing was her escape from the loneliness.
Both her maternal and paternal grandmothers were librarians,
which only intensified her love of reading. After years of writing short
stories, she couldn’t ignore the call to finish her debut novel, Beloved. Her
alpha Navy SEALs are broken, beautiful, and will steal your heart.
Contact Corinne
Website: http://www.corinnemichaels.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CorinneMichaels
Instagram: http://instagram.com/authorcorinnemichaels
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorCMichaels
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/corinnemichaels/
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