Latest News.

 This is my son Andrew. I am so proud of him. The business he worked for for ten years closed down just before Christmas. That put him out of work for the first time since he left school. So he decided that he would open his own business. 
This week he has finally done it. He had to get his driving licence first, buy a van for the deliveries,  then find a property to rent to work from. All the legal paperwork that goes into starting up is now done. He has got quite a few customers already and his pricelist isn´t even printed yet. I know he is going to be successful because he is prepared to work hard at it. 

It´s been a while since I updated this page. My husband passed away nearly a year ago and I couldn´t face much more than just keeping busy. We had been together for well over 40 years. Now all the legal and complicated paperwork that follow are finished, my son and I can at last move forward.

Now on to things that are happier. This beautiful bird has been living free in our local park for a few months. Apparently she is a Harris Hawk that refused to return to the bird show that is at the top of our little mountain.  I don´t blame her. There is plenty of her natural prey available in the area. Bunnies and guinea pigs live free in the park, and the chickens breed like crazy so why go back. I did worry that her "jesses" might hamper her hunting but obviously she copes. In this picture she is sitting at the very top of a tall conifer. 

I will keep this page up to date a bit more now I have my head together. Hopefully I will have some good news for you all soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Petula! I'm Michael Helms, and write the Mac McClellan Mystery series. You've reviewed one or two before. Deadly Spirits is due out January 15. If interested in reading/reviewing it, I'll be happy to send you a Kindle copy upon your request. This time, Mac delves into some paranormal happenings to uncover a couple of murders, plus a murder that occurred decades before. Thanks for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.

    Best wishes,


I hope you all enjoy the books I post about here.