
Highland Raider (The King's Outlaws #2) by Amy Jarecki. Historical Romance Release & ARC Review.

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When Angus Og MacDonald, Lord of Islay agrees to harbor Robert the Bruce from the clutches of King Edward, he becomes an outlaw of the English crown. They sail to Ireland, seeking support from kin but are forced to flee for their lives. As Angus escapes, it is not a man he finds hidden in his birlinn. A wee wisp of a lass attacks like a screaming banshee with a battle axe in her hands. Then the wrath of God erupts in a violent storm, smashing the boat to smithereens. Now, Angus fights for survival, hell bent on saving them both.

Anya O’Cahan awakes half drowned in a tiny chapel on a deserted isle with none other than Fairhair, the man with the devil’s heart, the vile brother of the beast who killed her Da. Terrified out of her wits, she does everything in her power to escape the Highlander’s clutches. But Anya’s attempts are thwarted by the cunning, far too beautiful lord. Worse, Angus takes her before the King of Scots who seizes her as a political prisoner and thrusts her into the care of none other than Fairhair himself. Will this union of two hated rivals plagued by unwanted and uncanny attraction erupt in passion or war?


Angus Og MacDonald,  Lord of Islay has been host to Robert the Bruce for a while now but after a bad result in battle,  has fallen out of favour. A trip with the Bruce to Ireland is just going to make matters worse. At this rate he'll never get the title he wants so badly. 
Anya O'Cahan is the ward of a powerful man who is allied with the English King. He has arranged her betrothal.  That means she needs to make the most of the freedom she still has. Our heroine loves nothing more than sketching anything she finds interesting. 
Family loyalty is not always guaranteed.  Nor is a flag of parley always respected. 
An action packed historical romance with lots of twists and turns,  and fabulous characters. 
Great fun. 


Award winning and bestselling author, Amy Jarecki likes to grab life, latch on, and reach for the stars. She’s married to a mountain-biking pharmacist and has put four kids through college. She studies karate, ballet, yoga, and often you’ll find her hiking Utah’s Santa Clara Hills. Reinventing herself a number of times, Amy sang and danced with the Follies, was a ballet dancer, a plant manager, and an accountant for Arnott’s Biscuits in Australia. After earning her MBA from Heroit-Watt University in Scotland, she dove into the world of Scottish historical romance and hasn’t returned.

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