
The Wicked Viscount (Highland Roses School) by Heather McCollum. Historical Romance Release & ARC Review.

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1685, Scottish Highlands

Cat Campbell knows all about Nathaniel Worthington, fifth Viscount of Lincolnshire. The determined Englishman is never far from Finlarig Castle, where his sisters train women to do more than read and write. And thanks to the fiery kiss they shared nearly a year ago he is never far from her thoughts. No one ever trained her how to forget an irresistible man.

Nathaniel knows he should keep his distance from the fierce Scottish lass, but when an urgent letter from Queen Catherine calls Cat to London, he can’t resist volunteering to escort her. The tension between the two has simmered for months, but the long journey in close quarters creates a raging wildfire that could burn them both.

Secrets of their past and the treachery lurking at court put both their future together and their very lives at risk.


Viscount Nathaniel Worthington has been in the highlands of Scotland visiting with his sisters.  They opened a school for young ladies that is very different from most.  Now though, he has been summoned to London and asked to bring a healer with him. 
Cat Campbell is just about the wildest of the "Highland Roses" . She has had a lot of heartache in her life and has learned the hard way to rely only on herself.  She is a gifted healer who knows how to protect herself and her friends. 
Our mismatched duo,  an English Lord and a Scottish peasant , have a dangerous and complicated adventure ahead of them.  The  journey from the highlands is not half as dangerous as the Royal court in London. 
I was awake reading until 2:30am because I couldn't put it down. 
It is part of a series.  Although you could read it on it's own I would recommend reading the series in order to really understand our characters. 
I loved it. 



Heather McCollum is an award winning, historical and YA paranormal romance writer. She earned her B.A. in Biology, much to her English professor’s dismay, and was a 2009 Golden Heart Finalist.When she is not picking her teen’s brain for authentic attitude for her YA books and finding time to write, she is usually found educating women on ovarian cancer symptoms. Ms. McCollum has recently slayed the cancer beast and resides with her very own hero and 3 kids in the wilds of suburbia on the mid-Atlantic coast.

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