
Tempting the Highland Spy (Highland Hearts #3) by Tara Kingston. Historical Romance Release & ARC Review.

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Highland spy Harrison MacMasters knows a pretty face can hide bitter deception. Once, he’d been drawn to Grace Winters and the temptation in her kiss. Now, he knows better than to trust her with anything, including his heart. But now he’s forced to watch over the one woman he hoped to never see again.

Grace Winters will do anything to keep her sister safe, even if it means stealing the Crown Jewels themselves. But when she’s caught in the act, she’ll need to make a bargain with the devil to keep herself from the gallows and her family from the poorhouse. Too bad the one man she gave in to temptation with years ago now controls her fate.


Miss Grace Winters is an American and a thief.  This particular mission in Scotland that she finds herself on is very important to her and her family.  Her aunt who taught her how to relieve people of their possessions is traveling with her , but can often be a problem. 
Hopefully this will be the last time she needs to steal. 
Dr.Harrison MacMasters is sometimes an agent who recovers stolen artifacts.  The woman he is following is bound to be after one of them.  It's his sworn duty to stop her. 
This mission will be difficult on a personal and professional level for both of them.  The danger is real and unexpected. 
A lovely historical romance with lots of adventure for our heroine and soul searching for our hero. 
Very good fun.  I loved it. 



Award-winning author Tara Kingston writes historical romance laced with intrigue, danger, and adventures of the heart. A Southern-belle-out-of-water in a quaint Pennsylvania town, she lives her own love story with her real-life hero and a pair of deceptively innocent-looking kitties in a cozy Victorian. The mother of two sons, Tara’s a former librarian whose love of books is evident in her popping-at-the-seams bookcases. It goes without saying that Tara’s husband is thankful for the invention of digital books, thereby eliminating the need for yet another set of shelves. When she’s not writing, reading, or burning dinner, Tara enjoys movie nights, cycling, hiking, DIY projects, collecting dolls, and cheering on her favorite football team.

Please stop by Tara’s website at www.tarakingston.com for information on her upcoming releases and periodic updates on her life as a belle out of water in the Pennsylvania Wilds.

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