
It Happened One Night: Six Scandalous Novels by Collected Authors. Historical Romance, ARC Review.

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From the glittering ballrooms of England to the Scottish countryside, the promise of true love echoes down the ages in this sizzling collection of full-length Valentine's Day romances from six of today's New York Times and USA Today's bestselling authors!

Axel: The Jaded Gentlemen by Grace Burrowes

Professor Axel Belmont would rather graft roses than solve crimes, but when his neighbor Abigail Stoneleigh is suspected of murder, he takes the case to clear her name-and loses his heart.

For Love of the Duke by Christi Caldwell

After the tragic death of his wife, Jasper, the 8th Duke of Bainbridge secludes himself in the dark cold walls of Castle Blackwood. Coaxed out of his self-imposed exile to attend the amusements of the Frost Fair, his life is irrevocably changed by his fateful meeting with Lady Katherine Adamson.

The Impostor's Kiss by Tanya Anne Crosby

 (Never before in a box set)

Merrick Welbourne never expected to discover a long-lost twin! Particularly one who'd rob him blind and leave him senseless on the road. Now living his brother's life, he has new trials, tribulations, and temptations he'd never dreamed of--not the least being Chloe Simon, she of rare mettle, proud heart and unmatchable beauty.

My Enchanting Hoyden by Julie Johnstone

A bargain born of desperation ignites into passion as one lord's quest to save his family leads to the discovery that he can never settle for less than love.

Lord of Pleasure by Erica Ridley

When a αΊ‰allflower infiltrates the ton's most scandalous masquerade ball, she finds herself in the arms--and the bed--of the one man she'd sworn to hate!

Tempting Juliana by Lauren Royal

Lady Juliana Chase loves playing matchmaker--and she's good at it, too. So why is everyone ignoring her good intentions and shaking up her sensible plans?

Your invitation to delightful Valentine's Day reading awaits in this breathtakingly romantic anthology.

*Please note that these stories were previously published by each individual author.


Axel:The Jaded Gentleman. 

By Grace Burrowes


Professor Axel Belmont is a botanist.  He is trying to create the perfect rose.  He is also the local Magistrate, that is why he is in a freezing saddle riding to his neighbour's estate . The man has been found dead and it's his job to find the killer. 
Is Abigail Stoneleigh an innocent widow or is she a killer? She will have a lot of surprises,  some very nasty and others really happy.  A very different life us ahead of her. 
This is a sweet historical murder/mystery / romance.  The characters are complicated but fun.  The story takes lots of twists and turns before we discover who our killer is. 
Very enjoyable,  lighthearted read.


For Love of the Duke, 

By Christi Caldwell. 


Lady Katherine Adamson has once again allowed her twin sister to lead her into something she will regret.  They are looking for a lucky charm at the Frost Fair on the frozen river Thames.  Kathrine is terrified of water with good reason. 
Jasper Waincourt,  Duke of Bainbridge has allowed his friend to drag him out of his dreary life,  for a walk through the crowded fair.  He can't stand all these happy laughing people around.
Jasper lost his wife and son in childbirth years ago and has never forgiven himself. 
This is a very emotional story,  so make sure you have the tissues handy.  Our heroine is a lot stronger than you will at first think. 
A very enjoyable read.  


The Impostor's Kiss, 

By Tanya Anne Crosby.


J. Merrick Welbourne is on his way to discover just what his father has been hiding all these years.  The letters he found addressed to some woman had never been sent.  She must be the reason his father is so unhappy. 
Chloe Simon has taken the job as nurse to Lady Fiona to try and find the deeds stolen from her father for their house.  The greedy Lord Ian is frittering away a fortune while the people of his town are starving to death. 
This is a lovely complicated tale of twin brothers separated at birth.  The secrets that everyone has been hiding from them will soon come to light. 
Great fun.  I now have to get the next book to read about the other brother.  


My Enchanting Hoyden. 

By Julie Johnstone.


Miss Jemma Adair and her sister are devastated at the death of their mother and the events surrounding it,  and have to contact the only family they have left.  The new life they will have in England is not what Jemma wants.  All men are liars and want to control women,  she will never marry. 
Phillip De Vere,  Earl of Harthorne has been left buried in debt by his father.  He has done his best to save his mother from knowing just how bad it is.  It seems the only way he can get out if death without upsetting her is to marry for money,  not what a romantic poet like himself really wants. 
This story is a lot of fun.  The lengths our heroine will go to is why she is classed as a hoyden. Our poor hero is being tortured by trying to do what's best for everyone. 
I loved it.  


Lord Of Pleasure, 

By Erica Ridley. 


Michael Rutland, Earl of Wainwright is better known as the Lord of Pleasure,  a rake who sets the female hearts a flutter and is in all the scandal sheets. 
Miss Camellia Grenville is the eldest of three sisters and takes her role as the sensible one very seriously.  She always sets a good example and always does as she's told.  When her mother informs her she will marry the panic sets in. 
A story full of humour and wonderful characters.  Our hero and heroine couldn't be more different but both are looking for something they didn't know they wanted. 
Great fun.  


Tempting Juliana,

By Lauren Royal. 


Lady Juliana Chase is a woman who loves to help people,  even when they don't want help.  Some might call it meddling.  She has committed herself to supply baby clothes for the foundling home.  That is going to be more difficult than she thought,  especially with her matchmaking on the side. 
James Trevor, the Earl of Stafford is a doctor who runs a clinic in a rundown part of town.  Trying to get as many children vaccinated against smallpox as possible.
He finds himself on the receiving end of more than one of Juliana's plans. 
Lots of fun.  All our characters are run ragged by the time our heroine is finished, including her.  I think this is part of a series.  If it is I will be reading the others. 
Lovely lighthearted read. 



Grace Burrowes started writing as an antidote to empty nest and soon found it an antidote to life in general. She is the sixth out of seven children, raised in the rural surrounds of central Pennsylvania. Early in life she spent a lot of time reading romance novels and practicing the piano. Her first career was as a technical writer and editor in the Washington, DC, area, a busy job that nonetheless left enough time to read a lot of romance novels.

It also left enough time to grab a law degree through an evening program, produce Beloved Offspring (only one, but she is a lion), and eventually move to the lovely Maryland countryside.

While reading yet still more romance novels, Grace opened her own law practice, acquired a master's degree in Conflict Transformation (she had a teenage daughter by then) and started thinking about writing.... romance novels. This aim was realized when Beloved Offspring struck out into the Big World a few years ago. ("Mom, why doesn't anybody tell you being a grown-up is hard?")

Grace eventually got up the courage to start pitching her manuscripts to agents and editors. The query letter that resulted in "the call" started out: "I am the buffoon in the bar at the RWA retreat who could not keep her heroines straight, could not look you in the eye, and could not stop blushing--and if that doesn't narrow down the possibilities, your job is even harder than I thought." (The dear lady bought the book anyway.)

To contact Grace, email her at graceburrowes@yahoo.com.

USA TODAY Bestselling author CHRISTI CALDWELL blames Judith McNaught’s “Whitney, My Love!” for luring her into the world of historical romance. While sitting in her graduate school apartment at the University of Connecticut, Christi decided to set aside her notes and pick up her laptop to try her hand at romance. She believes the most perfect heroes and heroines have imperfections, and she rather enjoys torturing them before crafting them a well deserved happily ever after!
Christi makes her home in southern Connecticut where she spends her time writing her own enchanting historical romances, chasing around her feisty seven-year-old son and caring for her twin princesses in training!
Tanya Anne Crosby.

Put a menu in front of me and I immediately don't know what I want. Fried green tomatoes with grits? Yep, OK. Fish? Sounds good, too. OK, so what are you having? I'll do that too. When it comes to shoes--forget it. I end up buying nothing because I can't make up my mind. Thank God I have a husband who has great tastes, or my closet might be empty. I'm one of those people who suffers from acute ambivalence given too many choices, but when it comes to what I wanted to do with my life, I've known that decidedly since the age of 12--and probably long before that. It all began once upon a time after a tonsillectomy, when the doc advised mom and dad they should reward me with anything I wanted (the key word here being anything). All I wanted was dad's typewriter. I got it, of course--a black, sporty Olympia I immediately set out to wearing the letters off the keys. So here I am all these years later, with sixteen books under my belt and a new one on the way ... still wearing the letters off keyboards ... and loving every minute. 


Julie Johnstone is a USA Today best-selling author of Regency Romance, Victorian Romance, and Scottish Medieval romance. She is also the author of an urban fantasy/paranormal romance book. She’s been a voracious reader of books since she was a young girl. Her mother would tell you that as a child Julie had a rich fantasy life made up of many different make believe friends. As an adult, Julie is one of the lucky few who can say she is living the dream by working with her passion of creating worlds from her imagination. When Julie is not writing she is chasing her two precocious children around, cooking, reading or exercising. Julie loves to hear from her readers.

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Erica Ridley is a USA Today and New York Times best-selling author of historical romance novels. 

In her new Rogues to Riches historical romance series, sigh-worthy Regency rogues sweep strong-willed young ladies into whirlwind romance with rollicking adventure.

Fan-favorite Dukes of War features charming peers and dashing war heroes who return from battle only to be thrust into the splendor and madness of Regency England.

When not reading or writing romances, Erica can be found riding camels in Africa, zip-lining through rainforests in Costa Rica, or getting hopelessly lost in the middle of Budapest.

Lauren Royal

I decided to become a writer in the third grade (or, as my Canadian friends call it, grade three), after winning a "Why My Mother is the Greatest" essay contest and having my entry published in a major newspaper. Seeing my words in print was a thrill! But everyone told me it's too hard for novelists to get published, so after college I spent fourteen years as the CEO of my own jewelry store chain before writing my first book. A mistake? Maybe...but my first heroine, Amethyst, was a jeweler, so at least I took advantage of that wise old saying, "Write what you know." And I learned a good lesson: Don't let other people tell you what you can or can't do!

I write humorous historical romance mostly set in England and Scotland in the 17th and 19th centuries (Restoration and Regency periods). I've been oh-so-lucky to see my books hit bestseller lists all over the world, including the New York Times and USA Todaylists, making this second career a real dream come true. I live in Southern California with my husband, our three young adult children, and one constantly shedding cat, and I still think my mother is the greatest!

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