
The Marooner (Pirates Of The Coast #3) by Barbara Devlin. Historical Romance Release, Excerpt & Giveaway

Today we celebrate the release of 
by USA Today and Amazon All-Star
 best-selling author Barbara Devlin! 
Publication date: August 29, 2017 
Genre: Historical Romance
Barbara Devlin offers history, romance, and mystery all wrapped up in an engrossing story that is filled with witty repartee and ribald scenes that border on debauchery.

Inside the Book:

A GENTLY BRED VIRGIN Lady Sophia Grace Radcliff, the epitome of a genteel Englishwoman, has no idea what awaits her, when she is summoned to her father’s study to meet her prospective husband. Given the miserable state of the family finances, she understands she will be sold to the highest bidder, to save the earldom from a humiliating declaration of insolvency, and it is a sacrifice she is prepared to accept. But the impeccably tailored garb and clean-shaven face do nothing to conceal the menacing demeanor of her intended. How will she survive a match to a man she fears?
 A COLD-HEARTED PIRATE Leland Stryker, known throughout the pirate ranks as The Marooner, for his practice of abandoning his victims on deserted islands, is a ruthless buccaneer who reluctantly signs a pact with the English, in exchange for a full pardon for past crimes. But the Crown extends no protection to the fairer sex, and it is in the sensual realm that Leland feeds his basic instincts. After he successfully negotiates the purchase of a highborn bride, he proceeds to well and truly debauch her. But something happens on the journey to America, as his wife assumes her position without complaint, and soon Leland realizes he faces his most lethal opponent. Who will win the battle of the hearts?


The Marooner Excerpt

“Mr. Stryker, it is a pleasure.” Oh, it was definitely his pleasure, and he savored a glimpse of her tantalizing bosom, amply displayed, and he wanted nothing more than to bury his face between her breasts. She toyed with the necklace he sent and favored him with a shy smile. “Thank you, for the jewelry. These are the most beautiful gems I have ever seen or owned, but you really should not have done it, as you have given me so much, already.” “Why must you always apologize for something you enjoy?” The practice irritated him to no end. “Why can you not just express gratitude for the things I give you? Is that not the proper way to accept a present?” “Forgive me, as I meant no offense.” Crestfallen, her answering frown inflicted far worse agony than a machete-wielding barbarian. “Since you know of my father’s financial situation, then you might understand when I say I am unaccustomed to receiving such lavish gifts, but these baubles mean more to me than you will ever know, because they are from you.” She glanced from side to side. “For the past ten years, our lives went from bad to worse, and I sold my most prized possessions, cherished heirlooms and keepsakes far more precious to me due to their sentimental value, for a mere pittance of their actual worth, to appease my father’s creditors. And I scrimped and saved every penny, to keep a roof over our heads and food in our bellies, such that there was nothing left for luxuries. Believe me, I hold dear the jewels.” “I am so sorry, Sophia.” Had he thought her strong? In truth, she was formidable. “It would seem I erred again, as my clumsy attempt to tease you, much like my poorly executed joke, when I checked your teeth that afternoon in your father’s study as I announced my suit, has only caused you distress.” “But the fault is mine, as I should have known you would not be so cruel, after our conversation at the Oswald’s.” To his delight, she settled her palm in the crook of his elbow, and he led her toward the ballroom. “I promise, I will try to adjust to your lifestyle.” That might take more than she realized, given she had no idea of the truth behind his polite façade, and Leland was in no hurry to reveal his genuine nature. At the moment, he just wanted to get her alone.

Devlin's prose and descriptions enchant right from the opening scene. ~RT Book Reviews
This heart-fluttering, nerve-wracking, swoon-worthy romance is one for the ages! ~InD'tale Magazine

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About Barbara:

USA Today bestselling, Amazon All-Star author Barbara Devlin was born a storyteller, but it was a weeklong vacation to Bethany Beach, DE that forever changed her life. The little house her parents rented had a collection of books by Kathleen Woodiwiss, which exposed Barbara to the world of romance, and Shanna remains a personal favorite. Barbara writes heartfelt historical romances that feature not so perfect heroes who may know how to seduce a woman but know nothing of marriage. And she prefers feisty but smart heroines who sometimes save the hero, before they find their happily ever after. Barbara is a disabled-in-the-line-of-duty retired police officer, and she earned an MA in English and continued a course of study for a Doctorate in Literature and Rhetoric. She happily considered herself an exceedingly eccentric English professor, until success in Indie publishing lured her into writing, full-time, featuring her fictional knighthood, the Brethren of the Coast.

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