
Hero In The Highlands (A No Ordinary Hero Novel) by Suzanne Enoch. Historical Romance & ARC Review

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Scotland, 1812: He’s ferocious and rugged to the bone, an English soldier more at home on the battlefield than in any Society drawing room. And when Major Gabriel Forrester learns that he’s inherited the massive Scottish Highlands title and estate of a distant relation, the last thing he wants to do is give up the intensity of the battlefield for the too-soft indulgences of noble life. But Gabriel Forrester does not shirk his responsibilities, and when he meets striking, raven-eyed lass Fiona Blackstock, his new circumstances abruptly become more intriguing.

Like any good Highlander, Fiona despises the English—and the new Duke of Lattimer is no exception. Firstly, he is far too attractive for Fiona’s peace of mind. Secondly, his right to “her” castle is a travesty, since it’s been clan Maxwell property for ages. As the two enter a heated battle of wills, an unexpected passion blazes into a love as fierce as the Highlands themselves. Is Fiona strong enough to resist her enemy’s advances—or is Gabriel actually her hero in disguise?


Major Gabriel Forrester is a solider through and through.  He lives for battle and seems indestructible.  When Wellington orders him to his tent after a battle, he is sure he will be disciplined for defying him.  He has a huge change coming to his life and maybe his most important battle yet. 
Fiona has been working hard to keep her Clan fed and working.  The land is owned by an absentee Duke, whose family is believed to be carrying a curse.  For the last few years things have been happening that make it almost impossible to make any sort of profit.  

I have not given you the surname of our heroine because that would be a spoiler.  For an English solider to try and sort out problems in the highlands is never going to be easy.  When someone is actively sabotaging every move he makes, it's time to declare war. 
A really great adventure / romance,  with danger, laughs and a very sexy hero.  This story has got great characters that I would love to hear more of.  They have lots of work to do.  Surely there are more stories to come.  I hope.  I loved it. 



Suzanne is known for her humorous characters, sexy bad boys, and whip-sharp, witty dialogue. She currently resides in Placentia, California with several hundred guppies and various other tropical fish, and handful of very loud, spinach-loving finches. And her collection of action figures and statues from “Star Wars”, “Lord of the Rings”, “X-Men”, and “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Everybody needs some inspiration, after all.

ARC Received Through 2016netgalleychallenge

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