
Ravishing Elizabeth (White Timber Pack) by J.J.Marstead. Release + Excerpt.


Seventeen years of being a half-bred wolf shifter, I didn't know how I would be able to adjust to my new life of being part of a pack. I have to admit I had my doubts and fears, but my wolf feels at ease, at home in the forest. Having the feel of soil under her pads makes her feel free. Plus, everyone is so nice. Yes, I feel right at home here, we both do. 

A new pack isn't the only thing my wolf and I have to adjust to. Fate blessed me with not one mate but with two that are destined to be mine. Can I live up to their expectations and be everything they need?


I never thought I would ever be in the presence of something so incredible or could feel the way I do. To have feelings for a wolf, to want to make her my soul-mate is against my better judgement and I know that. She's not only amazing in wolf form, but her human form is stunning as well. I want to believe she could love a monster like me, I have to believe it. But we are from two different worlds. Can I help her get past that and make her mine?


I finally found my mate and she is more gorgeous than anything I could have dream of. I try to reign over my wolf knowing he'll want to claim her as soon as he sees her, but he's on edge knowing she will also belong to another. My wolf and I are both trying to act complacent with the idea of having an outsider harbouring her heart, but I don't want to hurt her no matter how much I want to rip him apart. In order to make our mate happy there will be some much needed adjustments to be made. Will she be happy and accept her rightful place as our mate?

I flick the light on and get dressed, I head downstairs to get a drink, just as I grab a bottle of water from the fridge, there’s a knock at the front door. Who can that be? I place the water bottle on the counter; I make my way towards the front door to see who it can be.  I twist the handle and open the door; his scent hits me before anything else, Samuel. 

My eyes widen as I take in his appearance, he’s breathtaking, with his dark hair and dark eyes luring me in as I stare openly at him, shaking myself out of the pull towards him. 

“What are you doing here?” I ask, poking my head outside to see if anyone can see that he’s here.
“Did anyone see you coming here?” I hope no one saw because it’ll only be a matter of time before the alpha and the pack get here if they know.

“I told you, I would come to you, and don’t worry no one has seen me, my little gem,” he says.
“I’ve been waiting for you for centuries my little wolf. There’s nothing in this world that will stop me from being with you.” 

Just hearing him say that, makes my wolf yip happily inside. I move out of the doorway making room for him to enter, he stops and gives me a crooked grin as he holds onto the door frame. I look at him puzzled and he chuckles. 

“You need to invite me in.”

Well, I wasn’t expecting that, guess something’s are true about vampires. 

“Come in, Samuel,” my voice is husky. I stare at him crossing the threshold. As soon as his feet step inside the house, he’s in front of me, gazing down at me like I’m his last cool drink of water, well in this case blood. He moves so fast I didn’t even get a chance to react. 

He places his hand under my chin, slowly lifting my head up. He leans down and kisses me softly at first but then he applies more pressure. I moan into the kiss, his tongue probing into my mouth, my tongue tangling with his. I run my tongue down his fang, and he groans out   shifting himself against me. I feel his erection through his pants, gasping as he grinds himself into me, he runs and slams the front door shut, and then comes back to me lifting me up off of my feet, my legs wrap around his hips, and he races up the stairs quickly.

J.J. Marstead lives in a quiet little town in Quebec, Canada. 
She is originally from a small Island in Canada called ‘Prince Edward Island’.
J.J. Marstead is the pen name; she wanted to have a pen name because it seemed pretty awesome.

Her real name is Jessica Martell, and no she is not ashamed of writing.
She loves to read and now she has taking up writing as a new adventure. 
She’s a stay at home mom, so she has plenty of time to think of naughty things to write.
Married to the love of her life of nine years, they have a lovely daughter who is seven years old, and they have two dogs, full house.

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