
To Stop a Scoundrel (Ashton Park #1) by Abigail Bridges. Historical Romance Release & ARC Review.

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She wants to protect the innocent. He wants to regain his reputation. Will working together bring redemption—or ruin?

Welcome to Book 1 in the fabulous new series from Abigail Bridges.

Spinster Lady Rose Timmons has one purpose in life: protecting the vulnerable young women in London's Society from the scores of scoundrels who would prey on their innocence. She has an extensive network of informants who keep her up to date on all their misdeeds and schemes, and she will take any action needed—even public humiliation.

Thomas Ashton, Lord Newbury and heir to the Duke of Kennet, is one of those Lady Rose has in her sights. Despite being a childhood friend—and a man she has long been fascinated with—Lady Rose is determined not to let his rakish behavior spoil the debut season of her beloved sister or any other woman.

Lord Newbury, however, has his own ulterior motives about rejoining Society after years as a rogue. He desperately needs an heir—and an heiress. Society, however, is not so eager to welcome home a prodigal son. When he crosses paths—and wits—with Lady Rose, he proposes an unexpected bargain: if she will help him regain his reputation, he will help her destroy the one scoundrel she has never been able to touch, a man who has hurt dozens of people, including Rose herself.

Lady Rose, intrigued and as fascinated by Newbury as ever, accepts the challenge. But even as they are drawn ever closer to each other, they remain unaware that their efforts to bring down a ruthless man could endanger more than their reputations—it could cost them their lives.


Thomas Ashton,  Lord Newbury and his two brothers have been given an ultimatum from their father. It's time to grow up and behave the way they should or face the consequences. That just might be harder to do than first appears. 
Lady Rose Timmons is well and truly on the shelf,  and uses her spinster status to behave in ways unmarried ladies normally can't. She has made it her mission to protect innocent young ladies from unscrupulous rakes. 
This is an unusual historical romance.  The characters, especially the heroine are different to what you might expect. There is danger,  complicated families and some very sexy scenes.  
This is the first book of a new series that I am already addicted to. 
I loved it. 


Abigail Bridges wrote her first historical romance, titled The Belle of the Ball, when she was thirteen. It was, of course, horrid. But it firmly established her love of all things Regency, a mild obsession with Georgette Heyer, and a determination to become a writer.

After a master’s degree in English and years of being paid to write and edit other types of material, she has returned to her first love. She is busily binge-reading all her favorite authors, resuming her study of the history and culture of the Regency era, and plotting like a madwoman. She does all this in a small cottage near Birmingham, Alabama.

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