
Highland Defender (Scots and Swords #2) by Kathryn Le Veque. Historical Romance Release & ARC Review.

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Gladiator meets Fight Club in the Scottish Highlands in a new series from USA Today bestselling author Kathryn Le Veque

Ashamed of a choice that cost good men their lives during battle, Bane Morgan escapes to Edinburgh to forget his past. But the more time he spends away from his Highland home, the more he's filled with regret and despair.

Lucia Symington knows something about despair. Forced to work off a family debt for a clan with little moral compass and a particular hatred for her, Lucia loses herself a little more each day. When a chance meeting with Bane gives them both a glimpse of what their future together could be, Bane turns to the Ludus Caledonia to find the warrior still within him. The Highland Defender has returned...but his quest to free his lady could cost him everything...


Once known as the Highland Defender,  Bane Morgan has fallen into a deep depression.  He has been living on the filthy streets of Edinburgh and drinking far too much.  His shame changed his life, can the scream in the alley change it again?? 
Lucia Symington is paying off a debt by being in service.  Unfortunately for her the "Lady" she serves has some very naughty habits and a dragon of a nurse who abuses everyone.  
Our hero can't deny his nature. He must defend the weak., even if he has to trade himself for years to do it.  Our heroine is a brave and caring woman who tries to make the best of a bad situation. She has dreams of a much better life.  Saving one down and out man to improve his life is just the start of that. 
An action packed story from the Highland version of Fight Club.  The warriors we meet are the best of the best.  That's why the Lady wants them.  In truth who can blame her.  However honour is a big part of the code these men live by, so she's not always going to get her way.  
All the characters in this story are fabulous and I'm glad to say we will meet them again in the rest of the series.  
A great story. I loved it. 


KATHRYN LE VEQUE is a USA TODAY Bestselling author, an Amazon All-Star author, and a #1 bestselling, award-winning, multi-published author in Medieval Historical Romance and Historical Fiction. She has been featured in the NEW YORK TIMES and on USA TODAY's HEA blog. In March 2015, Kathryn was the featured cover story for the March issue of InD'Tale Magazine, the premier Indie author magazine. She is also quintuple nominee (a record!) for the prestigious RONE awards for 2016.
Kathryn's Medieval Romance novels have been called 'detailed', 'highly romantic', and 'character-rich'. She crafts great adventures of love, battles, passion, and romance in the High Middle Ages. More than that, she writes for both women AND men - an unusual crossover for a romance author - and Kathryn has many male readers who enjoy her stories because of the male perspective, the action, and the adventure.

Kathryn loves to hear from her readers.

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