
Seduced by a Prince (The Prince & The Imposter #1) by Tanya Anne Crosby. Historical Romance Release & ARC Review.

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“Tanya Anne Crosby writes remarkable love stories.” —New York Times bestselling author, Lisa Kleypas 
Merrick Welbourne never anticipated discovering a long-lost twin—particularly one who'd rob him and leave him for dead on the road. Now living his brother's aristocratic life, he has new trials, tribulations... and temptations, not the least being Chloe Simon, a woman of rare mettle, proud heart, and unprecedented beauty. But she’s no easy mark for a perceived highwayman.
Chloe Simon knew Lord Lindale was definitely not himself. After encountering the masked highwayman Hawk left for dead, he seemed... somehow different. Maybe more approachable? Infinitely more... desirable. Entirely too irresistible. In a stolen moment of startling intimacy, he makes her feel like titled nobility. But she was only ever a doctor's daughter, with every reason to steer clear of his very kissable lips.
Read The Impostors Series In Order:
Book 1: Seduced by a Prince Book 2: A Crown for a Lady 


Many years ago Lady Fiona MacEwen thought she was going to marry her Prince.  Unfortunately it didn't quite work out like that. 
Now Merrick Welbourne is going to find out who his father has been writing to for years.  He's absolutely stunned by what he finds.  With his father's illness the only way he can find answers is by hiding in plain sight.
Miss Chloe Simon worked alongside her doctor father until his death.  Then the day of his funeral she lost her home and took work as a nurse.  While she's there, hopefully she can find the deeds to her home. 
This is a story with lots of complications and secrets.  The characters are fascinating with very good hearts.  That is except the one who is stealing so much that it puts the lives of everyone in the village at risk. 
This is the first in what is obviously a duet. I can't wait to read the next one. 
I loved it. 


Put a menu in front of me and I immediately don't know what I want. Fried green tomatoes with grits? Yep, OK. Fish? Sounds good, too. OK, so what are you having? I'll do that too. When it comes to shoes--forget it. I end up buying nothing because I can't make up my mind. Thank God I have a husband who has great tastes, or my closet might be empty. I'm one of those people who suffers from acute ambivalence given too many choices, but when it comes to what I wanted to do with my life, I've known that decidedly since the age of 12--and probably long before that. It all began once upon a time after a tonsillectomy, when the doc advised mom and dad they should reward me with anything I wanted (the key word here being anything). All I wanted was dad's typewriter. I got it, of course--a black, sporty Olympia I immediately set out to wearing the letters off the keys. So here I am all these years later, with sixteen books under my belt and a new one on the way ... still wearing the letters off keyboards ... and loving every minute. 

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