
Fated For The Duke (Enduring Legacy #13) by Christina McKnight. Historical Romance Release & ARC Review.

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Descended from witches burned at the stake, Lady Emilia Noble knows all too well how society persecutes the different. She trusts no one but her own siblings, never daring to reveal to anyone outside the family that she, like her grandmother before her, can read a person’s emotions through the changing colors of their aura. When her brother’s foolhardy boast that he can predict the future entangles him with the unscrupulous Lord Abernathy, Emilia is faced with a new threat: the ruination of the family’s finances and the unmasking of their secret past.

Until Emilia meets Felix Hunter, the Duke of Kintore. For years, Felix has watched as his immoral uncle, Lord Abernathy, has cast shame upon their family through his dishonest machinations. Determined that Abernathy won’t hurt anyone else, he vows to help Emilia resolve her family’s debts. He’s been drawn to her since the moment he met her, and slowly, she begins to trust him too. But when Abernathy threatens to reveal the Noble family’s supernatural gifts, Emilia’s worst nightmare becomes a very real reality.

Can Felix and Emilia’s love triumph over the forces of evil, or are they fated to be perpetually alone? 

When love is mixed with magic, anything can happen.


Lady Emilia Noble has had the protection of her family's secrets, drummed into her all her life.  They each have an inherited gift.  Unfortunately those gifts can put them at risk from unscrupulous people and those that fear them.  Our heroine's family can also be sneaky in manipulating things.
Felix Huntar,  the Duke of Kintore was orphaned as a youth and left in the care of his uncle.  The uncle however is not a responsible person.  Our hero has spent his adult life repairing the damage caused by him, bailing him out of trouble time and time again. 
A sweet historical romance that introduces us to a fascinating family.  I assume each of the siblings will get their own book.  A very entertaining,  light read. 




Christina McKnight is a book lover turned writer. From a young age, her mother encouraged her to tell her own stories. She’s been writing ever since.

Christina enjoys a quiet life in Northern California with her family, her wine, and lots of coffee. Oh, and her books…don’t forget her books! Most days she can be found writing, reading, or traveling the great state of California.

You can visit her online at the following places:

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