
The Seafaring Rogue (Pirates of Britannia Book 8) by Sky Purington. Historical Adventure / Romance. Release & ARC Review.

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Discover a magical tale of love, romance, and Scottish pirates!

Left for dead on the shores of Scotland, Fraser MacLomain falls in love with the healer who saves him. Yet Elspeth MacLauchlin has dark secrets - hidden truths rooted in a century old family feud. A vendetta is soon resurrected by vicious enemies who steal her away during a late night pirate attack.

Bent on saving her and reaping revenge, Fraser embraces a life of piracy. Cutthroat, out for blood, he relentlessly pursues his nemesis long after rumors of Elspeth's death and long after he abandons love for bitterness. But even a hardened heart can be thawed, as he soon discovers when catching his foe and being reunited with his love.

The Seafaring Rogue is a high seas adventure ripe with passion, intrigue, and treasure.

Pirates of Britannia Connected World contains all stand-alone novels that can be read in any order. Find your new book boyfriend in one of these exciting and passionate books.

Savage of the Sea by Eliza Knight
Leader of Titans by Kathryn Le Veque
The Sea Devil by Eliza Knight
SeaWolfe by Kathryn Le Veque
The Sea Lyon by Hildie McQueen
The Blood Reaver by Barbara Devlin
Plunder by Knight by Mia Pride
The Seafaring Rogue by Sky Purington



Fraser MacLomain wakes up in agony,  and not knowing who he is or where he is.   It's obvious he has been injured in some battle.  There seems to be an angel looking after him. 
Elspeth MacLauchlin found the very badly wounded warrior on the beach,  but dared not let those in her village know about him.  They have lost too much to strangers from the sea.  Pirates can be dangerous or helpful depending on who they are. 
This story will surprise you many times.  Nothing goes as you think it will.  Vengeance and anger will control much of what our main characters do.  Vicious pirates out looking for treasure,  and incredible sea battles. 
Really good,  exciting fun. 


Sky is the best-selling author of over thirty novels and several novellas. A New Englander born and bred who recently moved to Virginia, Sky was raised hearing stories of folklore, myth and legend. When combined with a love for nature, romance and time-travel, elements from the stories of her youth found release in her books. 

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