
When a Warrior Woos a Lass (Highlander Vows: Entangled Hearts #6) by Julie Johnstone. Historical Romance Release & ARC Review.

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The past haunts them. Treachery awaits them. Love will save them. 

A shattered lass… 

Scarred by the cruel whims of her late husband, Lena MacLeod lives in fear of men and marriage. So when the king’s edict obliges her to wed Scottish warrior Alex MacLean, she never expects to feel safe, let alone happy. But behind Alex’s fierce exterior lies a gentle, gallant highlander who renews her soul, emboldens her, and offers her the one thing she never thought she would possess—true love. Now that Alex has her whole heart, she’ll settle for nothing less than all of his. 

A tortured highlander… 

Haunted by violent nightmares of his dark past, Alex MacLean has put off getting married for as long as possible. But now he finds himself the husband of the fragile, beautiful Lena, and he’s drawn to her as he has never been to another. He vows to protect and heal her, and as she grows stronger, so does his love for her. Yet, his horrible memories and a treacherous task are preventing him from giving himself to her entirely, and the secrets he harbors threaten to destroy their life together. 

A union… 

When Lena uncovers a dangerous scheme involving Alex, she embarks on a desperate journey to save the man she loves. But Alex still hasn’t let her in, and he runs the risk of losing her—and his life—unless he can accept that his once delicate wife is now an ally strong enough to light his way. 


Leana MacLeod has suffered a lot in her young life and it has left her with physical and mental scars.  Unfortunately even that trauma doesn't stop Scotland's King David from using her in his plans.  
Alex MacLean was made made Laird of his clan at only fifteen years old after the death of his father.  He has always done his best to be a fearless warrior and leader that his father would have been proud of.  He carries a shameful secret from his youth that affects him still. The King' s latest demands will push him to his limits.  
This is a very emotional story that will really pull you into our character's lives.  They have a lot of difficult and dangerous times to face.  Wonderful historical romance at its best.  
This is part of a series that I'm totally addicted to,  but you can quite easily read it as a stand alone.  I am looking forward to the next book in the series.  I loved every page.  

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Julie Johnstone is a USA Today best-selling author of Regency Romance, Victorian Romance, and Scottish Medieval romance. She is also the author of an urban fantasy/paranormal romance book. She’s been a voracious reader of books since she was a young girl. Her mother would tell you that as a child Julie had a rich fantasy life made up of many different make believe friends. As an adult, Julie is one of the lucky few who can say she is living the dream by working with her passion of creating worlds from her imagination. When Julie is not writing she is chasing her two precocious children around, cooking, reading or exercising. Julie loves to hear from her readers.

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