
Halloween with the Hunk: A Lumberjack Romance (Holiday Studs #1 ) by Jewel Killian. Contemporary Romance Release

Title: Halloween with the Hunk: A Lumberjack Romance
Series: Holiday Studs #1
Author: Jewel Killian
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 20, 2017 

What happens when the lumberjack next door knocks on your door? 

You let him the hell in! 
There he stood in only jeans and work gloves-- all bulging arms and chiseled abs. 
I could help but look, stare even. How could I not? He looked like he knew his way around the female body and I was aching to find out exactly how much he knew. 
If she keeps looking at me like that I'll have her in every room, every way, all night AND all day. I'll show her my world of pleasure and dominance. I'll make her feel things she never thought possible. I'll make her scream so loud the neighbors will know my name. 
Well, they already do. I was the former town playboy after all. 
As always, HEA, with no cheating and all the steamy, juicy details you love.

Jewel Killian is the pen name for a cat-loving, coffee-guzzling writer who would be absolutely mortified if her mother ever read the dirty, dirty things she writes. 


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