
This Kitten´s Got Claws. (Shifter Date #3) by Alma Black. Paranormal Romance Release & ARC Review.

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Alpha male seeking his perfect mate. A sassy BBW, seeking a casual hookup. What happens when his mating instinct kindles true romance?

Rachel doesn't want anything serious. Sassy and curvy, she loves the dating app. Shifter, but is only down for a one night stand. Broken hearted and stuck in a dry spell, she's looking for an alpha male who will be her ultimate fantasy--the best hook up she's ever had, but nothing more.

Gareth wants to mate for life. As the alpha of his pack of bear shifters, he has very little time to fulfil  his mate challenge. Find a mate, or lose his position as the alpha.

When he sees Rachel on the dating app, his mating instinct goes wild. Rachel's sassy lion eyes, her curves for miles, and her loving heart makes her a shifter he can't resist. But can he and Rachel mate for life? Or will her past keep her from her fated mate?

This is a BBW paranormal romance ebook, featuring a fierce lion and a protective bear. It's full of super hot shapeshifters, plenty of heart, and lots of sexy sex. :wink: If those don't sound up your alley, stay away!


Lioness shifter Rachel has sworn she is not going to fall in love again, after her fiance cheated on her.  Unfortunately that means her sex life is now non existent.  Her best friend suggests she try the dating app for shifters.  Sounds like a good idea to her. 
Bear shifter Gareth is coming up to his birthday.  If he is not mated by then any of his pack can challenge him for alpha.  With Power Shift causing trouble in a lot of packs including his, it's urgent that he find his mate.  The dating app is his best chance. 
This is the third book in the series,  but easily read as a stand alone.  A very sexy story with dangerous shifters stalking around to keep you on the edge.  I love this series.  The characters are always fun and the story line really good. 

Alma lives in Los Angeles, and wishes with all her heart that Shifter Date had eligible mates in Southern California. Until then, she uses regular dating sites to bring you these stories, inspired by her actual dating life.
She is especially fond of sexy, paranormal stories where the hero has a penchant for growling and the sassy heroine doesn’t put up with any bark. These stories are fast reads and are funny, sexy, and very naughty!

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