
Family Forever, by Valerie J.Clarizio. Release, Character Interview + $10 G.C.Giveaway.

 Family Forever
By Valerie J Clarizio
Evernight Publishing
Contemporary Romance
Release date: October 26, 2016
Book blurb

The death of Dylan’s parents leave his five younger brothers and the family dairy farm in his care.
Neighbor Marissa, raised by an alcoholic father, seeks a way out. Desperate for help, Dylan offers her a live-in nanny/housekeeper position. She jumps at the opportunity.  The chaotic household, full of love, feeds her maternal instincts. She falls for Dylan and the boys.
When Dylan finds himself desiring Marissa, he pulls back. His heart has been broken in the past by women resistant to a large, ready-made family. But if she walks away, she’d not only break his heart but those of his brothers, too.  
Will Dylan ever believe in Marissa’s devotion to his family, risk his heart, and those of his brothers, for the woman he loves? 

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Character Interview
Name:  Dylan Jacobs
Gender:  Male
Age: Twenty-four
Profession:  Dairy Farmer and caretaker for five younger brothers
Do you have any special skills or training?  Just my business degree and farming skills.
How would you describe yourself?  Patient
Who is your significant other(s)?  Though I seem to be fighting it every step of the way, Marissa Geyer is on my radar.
How would they describe you?  Loyal
Tell us about your family. 
I grew up in a farming community in small town Wisconsin.  My parents were killed in a car accident when I was twenty-two.  I inherited five younger brothers and the family farm.
What do you think was left unsettled in your story? 
I hope to raise my brothers in a manner which would make our parents proud, and though I love my brothers dearly, I can't help but wonder if they'll ever feel they've been loved as much as a parent could.  I was lucky enough to experience the true, unconditional love of a parent.  I fear my younger brothers, especially the two little ones, won't remember our parents and the magnitude of their love for us.
If you could change anything about your story what would it be? 
I would change history by preventing the accident that took our parents from us. 


Author Bio

Valerie Clarizio lives in romantic Door County Wisconsin with her husband and two extremely spoiled cats. She loves to read, write, and spend time at her cabin in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
She’s lived her life surrounded by men, three brothers, a husband, and a male Siamese cat who required his own instruction manual. Keeping up with all the men in her life has turned her into an outdoors enthusiast, of which her favorite activity is hiking in national parks. While out on the trails, she has plenty of time to conjure up irresistible characters and unique storylines for her next romantic suspense or sweet contemporary romance novel.

Author’s Social Media links

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this info in regard to my new release!


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