
Absolute Surrender. (Fallen Guardians #1) by Georgia Lyn Hunter. My Review.

Born in the flames of Heaven’s wrath, he’s all things sinful and too dangerous to love. 

An immortal Guardian of the mortal realm, Aethan has walked alone for millennia, trapped in a hell of his own. Until a feisty mortal crosses his path. A female he shouldn’t even look at, one who shakes the precarious foundations of all that he is, and one who’s determined to walk the edge of danger.

All her life, Echo Carter wanted “normal”, an impossible feat given that she can see demons. Drawn back to the alleys of New York, she’s determined to hunt down the one responsible for the death of her friend. And no man, no matter how sexy, will stop her. Until she discovers a horrifying truth about herself, forcing her to turn to the one man she should avoid. Aethan. 
But when two stubborn wills collide, a dangerous passion ignites…

As evil closes in, Aethan has to overcome his darkest fears and claim Echo as his. If he doesn't, he just could lose her to a far more sinister fate…

* This is a re-edited version with an added epilogue

Echo Carter had a terrible childhood, mainly because she was different to the other kids. Even the adults said she was evil because of her odd coloured eyes. She learned young not to mention the colours that surround people, and to steer clear of those with a red aura. Now as an adult she hides her eyes with contacts and uses her other abilities to hunt for the Demonii who killed her friend. 
Aethan is a Fallen Guardian banished to the human realm to protect it from evil in all forms.
While on patrol he comes across a human female battling demonii. 
This is an all action paranormal romance. Our hero is bullheaded to an extreme. He thinks he knows what is best for everyone. He carries a huge load of guilt and it colours every decision he makes. Our heroine is used to taking care of herself and anyone she loves. She too, carries guilt, but acts more out of revenge. Although she knows a little of the supernatural, she still has a lot to learn. The secondary characters all have their own charm, especially Tyr .I think the next full book in the series might be his story. Or could it be Blaez?  Kira is Echo's best friend and she is great fun. With her own handy talents.  I have the next book , so it will be read very soon.

Georgia Lyn Hunter loves to create characters who’ll take you to the far and beyond to unforgettable adventures, steamy encounters and heart-stopping love stories…

She grew up in the tropical climate of South Africa and currently lives abroad with her family. 
An avid reader from a young age, she devoured every book she got her hands on. When she's not writing or plotting her next novel, she loves trolling flea markets, buying things because they're so pretty, travelling, and being with her supportive family.

She'd love to hear from readers. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Petula, for a lovely review. I'm so glad you enjoyed the book :)


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