
Reprisal,( Sequel to Contrite ) by Kathy Coopmans. New Release only 99c until 27th.

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                                                               **NEW RELEASE**
                                                      Reprisal by Kathy Coopmans
                                                            Sequel to CONTRITE

                   Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25367015-reprisal

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Clove Calloway thought she ended her nightmare life when she stabbed herself.

When the darkness took over, she thought she’d find peace. Seeing her husband die by the hands of his traitorous brother, Trent, destroyed her. Little did she know, her dreadful life without Turner is just the beginning. She awakens from one nightmare right into another, confined in a house with the Master Manipulator of them all.

Now, she's fighting for her life instead of trying to end it. As the truth unfolds, layer upon layer of deceit could suffocate her. How many times and in how many way can she be betrayed? But Clove refuses to lose. Just how she's going to win is a plan she's yet to determine...

Zack is determined to find his sister Clove, he knows she is out there somewhere. He can feel it. He wants her home. And he is going to find her! He’s ready to take down the evil that has her in his clutches. Only he’s just as shocked as Clove when the truth unfolds…

There’s more…. So much more. Are you ready?

Revenge. Retaliation.


                                          Reprisal Teaser3.jpg

                                          Reprisal teaser4.jpg

                                                                  Author Links:

                                                    Instagram @authorkathycoopmans
                                 Webpage: http://authorkathycoopmans.wix.com/website
                            Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKathyCoopmans

                                            Reprisal front cover.jpg

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