
Love And Cold Pie, ( Unlikely Partners #2) by Sandra Sookoo. Release Tour, ,My Review + Giveaway. Only 99c.


Love and Cold Pie by Sandra Sookoo Unlikely Partners #2
Publication Date: June 11, 2015
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery, Romance

LoveAndColdPie Cover


Real life crime solving can certainly put a damper on a romance.
When the biggest gossip in Newburg, Indiana ends up dead—with Sam Arnold’s dad the prime suspect—stuff gets real. It’s been a month and a half since she helped bring down a bad guy. It’s time to try her hand at a new case, especially since her boyfriend is out of town. Special Agent Mitchell has been saddled with a sexy, driven partner. Cutting corners or covering shortcuts with charm doesn’t work on her. He misses brainstorming with Sam, and now that her dad’s reputation is on the line, the pressure’s on. Evading his watchdog--and snooze-fest new assignment--is top priority. Time’s running out for Sam and Mitchell to solve the crime. His new partner’s special interest puts their romance in jeopardy and tries the relationship's trust, but an unlikely killer puts life into perspective.
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Mitchell has just returned to active duty as a FBI Special Agent. He was wounded on his last case. That case did have the benefit of bringing Sam into his life. 
Sam lives quite a long way away,  so they have not seen each other very much. But when her father is arrested for murder, she immediately asks him for help. 
Mitchell is in a bit of trouble with his bosses at the FBI because he broke a few rules on that last case. So they gave him a new partner and put her in charge. This new partnership plays havoc with Mitchell and Sam's budding relationship. All while Sam is trying to clear her father's name. 
This is a good murder, mystery that keeps you guessing on who done it.  We also get a good helping of humour and a sweet romance. The main characters are strong and funny. 
This is the second book in the series,  but is easily read on it's own.

About Sandra Sookoo

Sandra Sookoo
Sandra Sookoo is a bestselling author who firmly believes every person deserves acceptance and a happy ending. Most days you can find her creating scandal and mischief in the Regency-era, serendipity and happenstance in Victorian America or snarky humor in the contemporary world. Reading romance is a lot like eating fine chocolates—you can’t just have one. Good thing books don’t have calories!
When she’s not wearing out computer keyboards, Sandra spends time with her real life Prince Charming in central Indiana where she’s been known to goof off and make moments count because the key to life is laughter. A Disney fan since the age of ten, when her soul gets bogged down and her imagination flags, a trip to Walt Disney World is in order. Nothing fuels her dreams more than the land of eternal happy endings, hope and love stories.

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