
Shadow´s Pleasure, by Molle McGregor. + Giveaway.


Shadow's Pleasure by Molle McGregor The Shadow Warder's #2
Publication Date: January 5, 2014
Also in this series: Shadow's Awakening, Shadow's Passion
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Urban Fantasy

Tour: Shadow’s Pleasure by Molle McGregor

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Brought together by circumstance. Bound together by chance. Despite the danger, passions ignite...
Sequestered for over ten years and manipulated by those that were supposed to love and protect her, Sorcha wants nothing more than her freedom. When her childhood friend and two other Shadows are kidnapped and held by a sadistic Director hell-bent on changing the very nature of their existence, Sorcha knows it’s past time to escape. With the help of the sinfully sexy Kiernan Black, she finally gains her independence, but the depths of her passion for the Warder may be more dangerous than the mission to save her friends. As a Warder, Kiernan Black has never turned his back on an innocent. So when one of his own is working with a demon to brutalize innocent Shadows, he knows he must save them. With the beautiful, brave, and infuriatingly stubborn Sorcha Davis as his partner, he embarks on what might be the most dangerous mission of his life. But if he can find a way to make the fiery Shadow his along the way, the rewards could outweigh the risks.

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About Molle McGregor


Molle’s writing career started when she was seven and suffered terrible insomnia. Night after night she couldn’t sleep until long after mid-night, only to wake a few hours later. Frustrated with her inability to just go to bed, (and her penchant for sneaking a book and a flashlight under the covers) her grandmother said, “You like to read so much, why don’t you tell yourself a story until you fall asleep.” With this brilliant advice, Molle’s overactive brain was off and running. Now, years later, she’s finally taught herself to sleep, but she’s never stopped telling stories. When she’s not reading, writing, or staring into space making things up, Molle is getting into trouble with her husband, two sons, two dogs and vicious attack cat in the mountains of North Carolina. She likes to hike, cook, listen to music way too loud, and hang out with her boys. She does not like dusting or emptying the dishwasher.

This is my review of Book #1
Shadow´s Awakening,

Hannah is being held prisoner by her stepfather.  When her mother first married him he was a nice guy,  but after her death he changed. Now he is torturing her just for the fun of it.
What Hannah doesn't know is he has been infected by a Voratus that is a demon like creature without a body of it's own. It takes over a human body and gradually eats it's soul. The Vorati feed on the fear and pain they cause.
Hannah is something special herself but has No idea.
Conner is a Warder , they are a race of soldiers created to protect humans from the Vorati.  He is sent by an Oracle to rescue Hannah and keep her safe.

This is a very sexy story, with a great story line. The unusual type of monster and the magical way the final battle is fought make this a very different kind of read. The story is very fast paced and emotional.  Poor Hannah suffers so much.
I am going straight into the next book in the series. 

Now for my review of book #2
Shadow´s Pleasure.

This is book #2 in the Shadow Warder's series. While you could read it as a stand alone, the rescue mission they are on will make more sense if you have read the previous book.
Sorcha is a Shadow empath with fire at her fingertips.  She has been living in the sanctuary for years. Her mental shields failed her when she lived outside, so now the other Shadows believe her to be to weak to leave. When she lived outside she worked as a tracker, with her personal connection to the missing girls Sorcha could be their only chance.
Kiernan is the Warder that helped with the last rescue. He promises to protect her and help find the others. Kiernan has always been a rebel, and works with people that other Warders know nothing about. Sorcha and he will need all these connections to hope to get the mission completed.

Another story that keeps the pages flying past. Hot in more ways than one. Danger comes from Unexpected sources, but so does help. The hero is fun and over protective. The heroine is a lot stronger than anyone believes. We meet some new characters that must become heroes in their own stories, and the villain from the last book is getting stronger and more dangerous. 

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