
Highland Storm, Guardians of Scotland series, by Victoria Zak.

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TITLE – Highland Storm
SERIES – Guardians of Scotland series book two
AUTHOR – Victoria Zak
GENRE – Scottish historical fantasy romance
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) -

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A long forgotten Ancient kingdom has been awakened and threatens to change the Dragonkine world forever.
Can passion weather the dragon’s storm?
The only true pleasures in life Conall Hamilton yearned for were to marry a good woman, raise a family, and hide away into seclusion to live a normal life away from battle and war, not an easy task for the Dragonkine warrior and Clan Douglas’s second in command. Assigned to investigate an allied clan, he vows upon his return to marry his love, Effie. That’s until the Dragonkine warrior finds himself accused of a crime he did not commit, murder. Imprisoned, he must find a way to escape not only to save his own life but to save the life of the woman he loves.
In time the past will catch up with you…
Effie Douglas is a survivor. Though not born a Douglas, Effie leaves her old life behind to seek safety within Clan Douglas. For five years Conall Hamilton has been her secret lover and savior, helping her pick up the pieces of her damaged past. Hiding the true nature of their relationship from their clan had become a burden for the red-headed lass and now she desires more. She wants Conall’s name. When Effie is summoned home, she is plagued with unwanted memories, treachery, and new found information that will change her life forever. Will Effie have the courage and strength to weather the storm that rages around her?

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Highland Storm - Author Photo
Growing up in the sister city to Stirling, Scotland, Sottish flare was abundant throughout Dunedin. From her High School band to the annual Highland Games that took place right across the street from her childhood home, the bagpipes beckoned her toward her calling. It seemed only natural for Victoria Zak to want to write in the Scottish historical romance genre. Add to the fact, she was also a paranormal romance junkie, there was no doubt that her influences would be the driving force behind her stories.
Although, she never sought out a writing career, her desire for the written word grew the more she read. Her love for Scotland, curiosity of history, and passion for romance has inspired her to write her first book, Highland Burn. The Guardians of Scotland series continues this winter with Highland Storm.
Now, Victoria Zak lives in the sunshine state with her husband, two beautiful children, and three furry friends. Living in paradise, being a stay at home, and to be able to share her stories has been a blessing.
Victoria loves to hear from her readers. You can connect with her through FB, Twitter, G+, and her website, www.victoriazalromance.com.


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A marvellous fantasy /historical romance.  The 2nd in the Guardians of Scotland series. 
Conal is a dragon shifter. He is almost immortal. Along with his brothers his task is to protect the Scots.  He suffered the loss of his wife and son, many years ago. He was away from home when they were killed by Vikings. The guilt of not being there to save them still haunts him. In a dream he is told it  is time to move on and make an honest woman of Effie.
Effie has had a traumatic life and has hidden her past from the clan that has taken her in. Her brother abused her , and she is just discovering how sweet life can be. She knows what Conal  and his brothers are. Just as life seems to be perfect it all goes wrong. Conal goes away on business for his brother the Laird and Effie is summoned home by her father. Treachery is causing danger to both of them, and their clans.

A magical twist to a Highlander romance. Although this is the 2nd in the series you can enjoy it as a stand alone. BUT to truly get into the family I would suggest reading them in order. Our hero is as strong as you would expect a dragon to be. His main weakness is his love for his family.  Our heroine could have a little more faith in her man. We visit characters from the first book and meet new ones that look promising.  The villain is more than our heroes know. Lots of adventure and sexy scenes. 
 I will definitely be reading the rest of the series. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous30/1/15

    Thank you for the wonderful review and for participating in the Tour. Victoria at My Family's Heart


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